Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2-2-15 FORGIVE ME!!!! NEXT WEEK I SWEAR.... you have to love the missionaries, right?

OK. I know I know. I am getting terrible at sending emails home! It's just… one gets a little lazy.  Really I don’t have an excuse! But I hope you have been reading Hermana Durfee's letters because really, they are the exact same thing I would say about everything haha.

Okay. So quick update
1.       Juana got babtized!!! Last Saturday. It really was one of the most amazing conversions I have seen on the mission. We went and visited her this week and she told us that all of the hate and pain she had felt throughout her life was completely gone. She said “I'm just happy now.” And you can see it!! She just smiles all the time. Before her baptism, she was a very serious lady. The whole story of her is a miracle. This was a lady who wasn’t able to remember things or understand well and we were considering dropping her. Instead, we did a fast that she would be able to progress, and she did. And she is and will continue to do so for her whole life. I LOVE THE GOSPEL!!!!
2.       I have a parasite. Anything I eat hurts and comes out one of two ways. Sometimes both. Hahahaha gross.
3.      But I did this fun thing where I went and answered all of my emails because people wrote me this week!!!!! And now I am again out of time!!! I am so sorry!! I have attached Durfee's letter because I had actually written out to say the EXACT same stories and things. Haha we are too alike. 
so really, you can just pretend I wrote this.... :) hahaha

"Oh boy oh boy it's been one heck of a week that's for sure. We have been unreal busy. This week my comp and I went out to two towns deeper in the jungle to do divisions with the sisters out there. They were both about 2 hours away so we both stayed out there. 

So being out of our area a ton was hard cuz it only left us with like 3 and a half days to work here in San Ramon.  But once again we saw such a miracle this week.  All week we were praying so hard that God would bless our area and that we could still get a lot done and have success with the few days we did have.  Well God sure shedded his blessings over San Ramon because it's hands down one of the best weeks we had in our mission.  In one day we had 8 lessons, found a family of 5 new investigators who all accepted baptism AND all came to church!!! And we even had 7 investigators at church yesterday who ALL have baptism dates. HOW UNREAL IS THAT??? AHHHH!!!  It is seriously insane how much success we are having.  I'm unbelievably grateful to my Father in Heaven because I know it would all be so impossible without him.  We are seeing miracles daily and I know more than ever that this work is HIS work and is so beyond us.  We are just his instruments.  He is the one doing it all, and I'm sooo grateful to be a part of it. 

Ok so the most precious thing ever.  When we finally got back to our area we went to visit Juana first thing (our investigator that got baptized last week).  We asked how she had been and she goes “to be honest…missing you guys.  I thought y'all just baptized me and then weren't ever going to come back.”  OMG!!! Shes unreal cute.  We felt horrible and explained it was because we were gone and all.  Bajjaj I just love her to death.  We asked her how she has felt since her baptism and she smiled so big and said she feels like a new person.  She's had a very hard life and before had a lot of hate and anger in her for those who had hurt her and she told us that since her baptism she feels nothing but love and peace towards those people.  She truly has been clensed.  In the lesson she asked me to say the opening prayer and as I was thanking Heavenly Father for guiding us to her and allowing us to be a part of her life I got sooo chocked up.  I love her so much, and we could see how much of a true conversion she has had and how different and happy she is now.  We walked out of the lesson both fighing back tears and just said to each other…it's moments like that that make it ALL worth it.  BAAAHHHH. I love the mish!!!

Btw have I ever said how much I LOVE my companion???  She is my very best friend, and makes me SUCH a better person.  She wrote me a note and secretly stuck it in my bag while we were on divisions and she goes “just know that I feel unreal blessed to be your comp.  You still answer my prayers daily.  Who knew I'd be getting an angel for a companion?” she is perfect.  She's one of the most selfless and Christlike people I know and I really don’t know what I'm going to do if president ever decided to change us.  Idk maybe refuse to leave!!! Bajajjajaj…but really.  I LOVE HER!!
So the title is because San Ramon is GORGEOUS but fam it sure would be prettier with you. Bajajja get it???? Ok I crack myself up."
 Con amor,
Hermana durfee

Line of the week:
Me: “Ya, hoy dia vamos a explicar dos mandamientos.  Los diezmos y el ayuno.”
Jesus (our investigator that cant hear) :  “ahhhhhh yaaa.  El mandamiento de los diezmos y la lluvia.” Bajajjajajaj I lost it so hard. 

Sorry it's just funnier in spanish. Thank heavens for google translate!! "

Okay. By the way. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! Even when I don't write!! Thanks to everyone who DID email me this week, I felt so happy!!! Keep it up!!! You only have 12 more Mondays to write me.... think about that!!!

Love, Hermana whitlock

1-26-15 (Hmna Durfee)

So we finally have figured out whats wrong with us.  Drum roll please…..parasites.  0_o.  We went to the clinic finally and got some tests done then the doctor basically told us that he didn't know what was wrong with us.  #thirdworldprobs.  But luckily president just happened to be in town for interviews so we showed him our test results and he discovered we have parasites.  Whooooohooo.  I'm actually feeling a lot better now but my comp is still struggling.  Aight story time…
So we went to go visit this couple in the ward because we were trying to tract down an old investigator who was a reference from them. Well they had us sit down and start talking forever and the husband brings us out these cups of yogurt and a plate of crackers. (side note…yogurt is very liquidy here, they drink it as a drink.)  Ok continuing…so I took one sip of the yogurt and as a natural reflex almost completely spit it all out all over the place.  It was so rotten. Probly at least like 5 years rotten.  Ok idk actually, but it was disgusting, and we had an entire glass of it.  X_X.  My comp and I figured that if we eat all the crackers just maybe they wouldn't notice that we left the yogurt. That was a fat lie. The wife goes “hermanas there's yogurt too. Drink up. Drink up.” I wanted to die. Already being super stomach sick I think the LAST thing to help was some 5 year old yogurt.  We said prayers in our heads and were somehow able to get it all down. YUCK. The greater the sacrifice the greater the blessings right?? Bajajja

Saturday night Juana got baptized!!!  It was so perfect.  So many people form the ward showed up which was a miracle in and of itself. It was packed. She got up after to bear her testimony and the spirit was so strong.  She couldn’t stop saying how happy she was and how clean she felt.  She truly is converted and it was so beautiful to be a part of that conversion in her life. I was sitting there at the baptism thinking about how there is no other place I'd rather be on a Saturday night other than sitting there watching Juana enter the waters of baptism.  I love my mission and this work BEYOND WORDS!!!!!
Ok now I'm going to tell y'all about our investigator named Jesus who we just found last week.  I am already obsessed with this man. He was a reference form some recent converts in our ward. He is their uncle and has 64 years and is almost completely deaf. When we teach him we have to sit right up close to him and basically yell in his right ear.  It's actually very funny. I want ALL of you to meet him. He is the sweetest and cutest little thing. In the lessons the majority of the time we are either laughing so hard at something he said or fighting back tears because of how much faith this man has and how humble his is. In the first lesson we invited him to be baptized and when we said the date he just looked at us and said “Yes. Yes. Of course.  You guys say the date and I have to accept. You say the date and I will be there because whatever you say its from God and it's right.”  He's so dang perfect!!!  His first Sunday at church he went up and talked to stake president who made a surprise visit in our ward and Jesus told him “I have a book of Mormon now, and I am reading it everyday with lots of faith.”  He has a hard time hearing and even understanding what we teach, but he has more faith than almost every person I've ever met. He lives alone and goes to the park in the center of town everyday to shine shoes as his job.  For one shoe shine he gets 1 sole which is close to 30 cents and in total makes about 20 soles on a good day, a little over 6 dollars for working all day long. Yet when he talks about work he has the biggest smile on his face and says hes so grateful because it's enough for him to eat. This man has seriously stolen our hearts and I feel SOO honored and blessed to know him and learn from his example. Although we are the ones teaching him I know I am learning way more from him than he could ever learn from me. I love this work so much and am seriously the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. Eeeee. I love my Savior and Heavenly Father. I testify that they love us.  Each and every one of you matter so much to them and they are there for us whenever we may need them to heal up our broken hearts and lift our burdens.  I love you all so much and hope y'all have an amazing week!!

Con todo mi amor,
Hermana D

Line of the week:
Having a full on conversation in English with the first counselor in our bishopric…
My comp:  Wow. How on earth do you know so much English.
Hermano Salas: HBO duh.  Bajajajjajajjajaja

1-19-15 Satan works hard, but WE work HARDER.

First off, I want to say a huge THANK YOU!!!! To Uncle Mark, The Biggs, The Palmers and The Corbetts for your Christmas cards!! I just got them, Happy Christmas in January! :)
Pday last week was SO fun. We went to two different waterfalls and went exploring. This is mostly for Daniel because ever since I have seen your mission “swinging on a vine” picture, it has been my goal to get a similar one. Welllll… Hna Durfee and I finally did it!!!! It was a pretty tiny little vine but it completely held all of our weight and we had a fun time swinging on it! :)

My comp and I are perfect together. Besides the fact that we siga sick, we are doing SO well. Doing missionary work with your best friend is seriously perfect.

This week we decided to fast for a few specific reasons, two of which I want to explain to y'all.
1.      We fasted for our investigator Juana, for her ability to understand and remember the lessons. She has a pretty hard time with that. She is really great and wants to be baptized, but we want to make sure she is understanding and learning.
2.       We fasted to find new investigators. And not just any random people, but people God has specifically waiting to hear His message.
Can I just tell you that fasting WORKS?! I have been strengthening that reality my whole mission, but it really blows my mind sometimes. That SAME day, we went to Juana and we were talking to her, and she remembered all of the past things we have taught her AND went along very well with the lesson. She is very ready and excited for her babtism!!! Also, here in San Ramon, the sisters have been having a hard time finding more than 4 investigatores in a whole week. That day, we found FOUR. Also, we are now teaching 3 new people who God literally put into our hands. They are AMAZING. All three of them came to church this Sunday. God is so good. He listens and answers our pleads and prayers and fasts and as we give EVERYTHING to Him, He answers us in the most incredible of ways. One of our new ones (who is PERFECT) is a little old adorable man named Jesus. We have to get very close to him and yelll in his face for him to be able to hear, but he already started reading the Book of Mormon BEFORE we started teaching, and he has tons of faith and is willing to follow any and all things that God asks of him. Please keep him in your prayers. Also. I love prayer. I LOVE IT. It is something that I cannot live without now. I still lack a lot on my ability to do God's will, but I love being able to communicate openly with Him and to feel Him so near to me. Also to receive and SEE the way He responds to my prayers as I put complete faith and trust in Him.
I want to invite you all to read and study the talk, “ make the exercise of faith your first priority” By Richard G. Scott in the last general conference. REALLY study and pray and apply it to your daily life. Not just your religious life.
Remember if we want true, lasting happiness in this life, PUT GOD FIRST. Our relationships with family, friends, spouses, neighbors and strangers will improve in dramatic ways. We will find ourselves being less prideful and selfish and more willing to give our best to others. We cannot be happy if we live our lives based on what we want to do. Let God in. Let Him know you will follow Him. And then look and wait for the revelation that WILL come that will show you exactly where you can improve. Challenges and weaknesses we have help us become more like our Father in Heaven. DON’T LET THEM hold you back from becoming who HE has planned. Let the atonement of Jesus Christ heal you, better you and lift you each and every day.


I love you all. 
Hermana Whitlock

1-12-15 forget me not (Hmna Durfee)

President's house with all the sister leaders!! Making cookies

Welp not too much to write about this week because my comp and I have been very sick all week and we can't really seem to figure out why we aren't getting better, so please keep us in your prayers.

Something cool though. We were so sick of being stuck in our room and not being able to work so one day we said we were just gonna go out and work no matter what and trust that God will give us the strength to do it.  We prayed so hard, went out to work and miraculously made it through the entire day without throwing up or passing out bajajja. There were moments where my comp would look at me with that face like "Ok I'm gonna puke." While we'd be talking to someone so I'd take the conversation and she'd relax a bit haha. It was rough.  It really was a miracle we made it through the day because right when we stepped foot back in the room I collapsed on my bed with such a high fever and my comp booked it right to the bathroom to throw up again. Woof.  

Then Saturday we got a call from some of the hermanas we are over in oxapampa.  One of them is brand new in the mish and has been having a super hard time out here.  She called us and said she had her bags all packed and that she was getting on a bus to Lima (that's where shes from)  and that she was leaving her comp.  0_o. Uh oh.  So we dropped everything and went out there, which btw is about 2 hours away and the drive makes you SO sick!!  Already being sick, my comp and I prayed so hard to be able to arrive there happy and full of energy to be able to help them out.  Which is exactly what happened. Yay!! And we got the hermana to stay. At least for now bajaj.  It was so cute though...after hearing all their problems and all my comp just looks at me drained and says "I just love you so much".  bajajja. It definitely is a blessing having your best friend as your comp.  

Ok I actually just thought of two other really cool things that happened this week.  

First...I got a letter when we were in Huancayo form hermana stringham.  When we were comps and both going through a hard time we read a talk by Elder Uchtdorf called "forget me not". It is perfect. Everyone go read it. Well after reading it, that talk kind of became our mission motto.  Well in Hna Stringham's letter she had a necklace that was a blue flower and it said "forget me not."  That alone almost put me to tears,  then her letter was perfect and left me crying bajajja.  She said "I remember in the talk where he says forgot not to be happy now.  And he talks about Willy Wonka's golden ticket.  He says "the happiest people you know are not those who find their golden ticket...they are those who, while in pursuit of worthy goals, discover and treasure the beauty and sweetness of everyday moments.  They are those who, thread by daily thread, weave a tapestry of gratitude and wonder throughout their lives."  And that's totally YOU!!! And everyone sees that in you."  I legit balled.  I miss that girl to death.  

Oh and the second cool comp and I decided to paint out hair.  Bajaj so now we both have black hair. YOLO. Yup that's it.

Ok love y'all soo much!!

con amor,
Hermana D

line of the week:

an email from Hermana Stringham... who's now back in huanuco

"So I contacted this guy in the street the other day and he totally knew you.  You're like famous here in huanuco. nbd." bajajjaja 

1-5-15 WE RIGGED THE CAMBIOS.... (Hmna Whitlock's Email)

God is TOO good. I am a witness this week (but really always) that God
HEARS and ANSWERS our prayers. And not only does He do that, but He
literally knows the desires of our hearts and they matter to Him. IF
we are obedient and have faith in Him and His ability to answer our
prayers, he will give us exactly what we want. (if it is also what we
need, and if it is in His plan of course) But I really know this to be
true. I've seen it so many times on my mission and really throughout my
life and I've had this testimony strengthened each of those times. Now,
I am sure you are all wondering why this specific week I am feeling
this way…
A little background first. Well. I have been praying specifically for
a few things this last cambio, I am not going to tell you them all,
just some.
1.      I had been praying for ways to better serve others, forget myself, be
more obedient and have a better relationship with my mission
Answer to prayers number 1. I became a sister leader. Okay, I am
actually pretty scared about this, but I know it’s the exact thing
that’s going to let me be able to improve on all of that.
2.      I had also been getting really nervous about leaving Villa Rica
because I am literally in love with that place, and I did NOT want to
leave the jungle yet.
Answer to prayers number 2. My new area is San Ramon!!! I didn’t even
leave my ZONE! Even though I have been there 6 months, I'm in an even
more jungly area and as a sister leader, I will be able to go do
divisions with My old comp and visit Villa Rica!!!!!! I am so happy.
3.      Another few things I had been praying about was for a companion who
would make me better, and who I could have so much fun with, but also
work so hard with.
Answer to prayers number 3. Hermana Durfee and I are now companions.
Wait. WHAT?! That’s right the Hermana Durfee, my best friend in the
mission, one of thee nicest, friendliest and most Christlike people I
know is now MY COMPANION!!!! Unreal.
Also, apart from this being the best news ever, every one who knows us
in the mission, and a lot who don’t, are shocked. They think we rigged
the cambios or something because NO ONE ever thought that would have
happened. Except us… because maybe we DID rig them… mwahahaha.
In other news, we are just getting to know the area and the members. I
am so happy, I already LOVE the people here. OH! Also in this area,
there is the WORLD'S-okay maybe just Peru's- best ice cream shop and
 an Americanºengland food place with brownies and
cheesecake and pesto.. so this worries us. Hahaha.
I am just so happy and grateful to God . He is literally PERFECT. He
knows our desires, wishes and hearts. He knows us better than we know
ourselves and IF we let Him, He can and will answer our prayers and
make us into who He wants. I know this cambio is going to help me get
closer to my divine potential.
I love you all. Gotta go. Gotta love the jungle, No?
Hermana Whitlock

1-5-15 We rigged the cambios (Hmna Durfee's Email)

So you should all be able to guess according to the title what happened
this week, and if you cant well then you CLEARLY haven't been paying
attention to my emails. Not cool.  Ok but before I go there I have to say
how amazing Heavenly Father is.  The cambios we had last week are literally
CLEAR EVIDENCE that Heavenly Father is there, he hears every detail to
every prayer we say and if we are being obedient and pray with true faith,
He will give us what we ask for. I can honestly say that any little thing I
ask for in my prayers throughout my mission I have gotten. LITERALLY
EVERYTHING!!  It actually has kind of shocked me.  Not shocked, but its
surprised me. Literally He gives me the smallest, even insignificant desires
of my heart. It's so amazing.

Literally every day last cambio I prayed that Hna Whitlock would be made an
hermana leader and come to San Ramon and be my comp.  And let me tell y'all,
There were SO many reasons why the entire world would and did say that was

1.  She already had been in this zone 6 months.  That never happens
2.  My old comp had very little time here and only had 1 cambio left in her
mission. EVERYONE thought she was staying.
3.  President pretty much flat out told us earlier on in the mish. that we'd
never be comps.

And many more reasons...

But all last cambio I decided to trust in the fact that God is a God of
miracles and that no matter what every person says or what the
circumstances were I knew God would give me what I prayed for.  We didn't
say anything to president,  we just poured our hearts out to Heavenly
Father. We got the calls for cambios and I honestly wasn't even surprised
because I KNEW God was going to answer my prayers and sure enough hna
Whitlock was made an hna leader and is now my companion!!! GOD IS SO

We're traveling to Huancayo this week and I'm really excited to ask president
what on earth he was thinking and also thank him.  Since Tuesday when we
got cambios I have literally knelt down every day and just poured out my
heart in gratitude!!

The funniest thing is I'm pretty sure the entire mission is worried and
thinks we rigged the camibos...well we actually did...just in the
righteous,  obedient type of way.  Lots and lots of prayer.  Bajajja.  But
really you should of seen the looks on the faces of the zone leaders.
BAAAAHHHH. Also everyone in the mish. was calling that night freaking out
that we are now comps.  It's like having sleepovers every night with your
best friend. I AM JUST SO HAPPY!!!!!  God is so good people.

So we have two investigators getting baptized in a few weeks and I love
them so much and love teaching them.  Please keep them in your prayers
(Juana, y Mauro).  Mauro has some addictions that he has to overcome, but
we have been working so hard with him.  It's seriously so beautiful to see
the changes we experience in the mission because before the mish. I would
have seen someone with an alcohol addictions and wondered to myself how on
earth they got to that point and say that their messed up life was completely
their own fault.  But seeing this man, even the times we have seen him
drunk, my heart is just so filled with compassion and mercy for him. I see
him how God does and can feel how much He loves him.  I will literally do
anything for that man so that he can too make it back home to Heavenly
Father and find the peace and happiness in life he is so desperately
searching for. He wants to change so badly and I know that thanks to the
sacrifice of our Savior, that miracle of change and healing is so possible
and we are working our butts off to make sure it happens.

I know I've said this a million times but I wish all of you back home could
see how happy I am and just how much I love my mission.  Sometimes it kind
of weirds me out how just happy I am literally 24/7.  I never want this to
end.  I love my Heavenly Father and Savior.  I know my mission would have
been impossible if it weren't for the peace and comfort they have given me.
 I'm closer to them than I have been in my entire life and I will stand as a
witness of them at all times in all things and in all places. In your
prayers I invite you all to have a little more faith, no matter how
unlikely the circumstances appear I know that if we want it bad enough, an
we obey our Father in Heaven he will bless us with the deepest desires of
our hearts.  "Hope on. Journey on. Honestly acknowledge your questions and
your concers, but first and forever fan the flame of your faith, becaues ALL
things are possible to them that believe."  #gottaloveholland

con amor,

Hermana Durfee

p.s...everyone go listen to Holland's talk "lot's wife"  It's perfect for the
new year, and perfect in general because its by Holland. duh.

Line of the week:

In a lesson teaching a little 15 year old punk boy.

Hermana Whitlock: "I know God is there. And I love you. Wait no. God loves
you. He loves you, not me." bajajjajja

12-29-14 Why is the mission so AWESOME!?!

Okay Hello!!!

First of all. I have THE most beautiful family in all of the WORLD.
Second of all. I have 600 pictures to send and not even a little bit of enough time to do so. LO SIENTO! But you can also go to Hna Durfee's facebook (I think) and her dad should have or will put some more up! And read her email :)
Third of all, everyone PLEASE go look up and read or listen to these 3 talks, they will CHANGE your LIFE. I am serious.
1. Safety for the Soul
2. Remember Lots Wife
(both by Holland)
3. Profile of a Prophet by Hugh B. Brown.
Fourth of all. I am going to stop counting.

Christmas was beautiful and wonderful and happy and perfect. REALLY you can't be sad when you are serving others. We were able to see the light and happiness in the eyes of so many people here as we gave them clothes and toys donated or bought by ward members and a few investigators too!! It was SO fun. I literally cannot explain how much I loved this Christmas!!! And Christmas eve was spent in San Ramon with Hermana Durfee so don't worry, it was fun. ;) We made Christmas music videos, ate candy, sang and talked about family traditions!!! 

In the morning our whole zone got together and it was just so JOYFUL!!! We read Luke 2 and talked about how we can be the shepherds and hear the good news and share it with ALL!!! And we can be the angels who cannot stop rejoicing for the knowledge that we have about our Savior Jesus Christ!

And of course, talking to the family was perfect. I loved to see and hear you ALL. I only missed Rachel :( One of the things I was most grateful for was not feeling homesick or sad. Being with my second family and with these missionaries who I love so much. God gave me the strength to truly be HAPPY and at peace, and not miss gifts or family or anything. Really, it was a miracle.
annnnndddddd nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
NEW YEAR!!!! I hope you all are making practical, awesome metas for new year! Also listen to remember Lot's wife!! It has to do with this!! This is parts of the talk that I loved. Remember not to have fear for the future. Because God ALWAYS has something better planned for those who love him and keep His commandments.

"Remember that FAITH is ALWAYS pointed toward the future... Faith is FOR the future. Faith builds on the past but NEVER longs to stay there."

I love you all!!! Cannot wait to hear about your Christmases and New Years!
Idk if you can actually say Christmases though...

Hermana Whitlock

After 7 months, I FINALLY got a new forro!!! yaya!!! 
New years party!!! Happy 2015! 
Just one of our MANY gifts people have been giving us! this place people, its amazing!! Oh, and that's the shirt my comp and I made ;))) another gift!!! hahahaha
One of the twins
The other one

12-22-14 MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

SO this week has been so crazy. Fun and busy!! I am just going to do a run-through of the last 7 days.
Monday- Pday as sisters!!! Always the most fun haha. We went to a place called Pampamichi which is like a native pueblo. They dress you up in their native clothes and teach you about their people, and then dance for you, and then… you get to dance with them!!! It was literally one of the funnest things I have done in my whole mission. Hermana Durfee and I went crazy dancing with the natives and it was such a happy moment! Then we got to play with and take pictures of a monkey and a big boa. They were both awesome, only the monkey attacked us and left a scar on Hna Durfs hand… not so fun. It was a very fun happy day!!

Tuesday and Wednesday- mostly just proselyting and trying to find people to teach. The DOWN side to the holidays is that EVERYONE leaves. So we have been having kind of a hard time with that. But to keep ourselves busy, we have been doing a service project of collecting clothes from members and gifting them to needy families. It has been so fun to be doing that all week, as well as sharing the Christmas spirit with everyone we come into contact with. :)
Also something crazy happened Wednesday. So my comp and I were in a lesson and we get a call from Erica (our almost matrimonio bautismo) she tells us that she is at the cementary and that there is a funeral for a small child, but the priest or pastor wont come and everyone is just waiting around. She asked if we could come and say a few words, sing a hymn and pray. So we came. And there was about 60+ people so releaved to finally see someone care about the child. So my comp and I got up in front of everyone, introduced ourselves and said a short message. We then sang “God be with you till we meet again” and then I told everyone that I was going to offer a prayer on my knees if they would like to join me. It was sooo cool to see many people also kneel down, fold their arms and close their eyes. Heavenly Father really worked through us in that moment. I can't explain to you how POWERFUL the spirit manifested himself in those moments, but it was INCREDIBLE. My companion told them all that we are set apart representatives of Jesus Christ and as she said that, we both realized how true that is. We have HIS power and authority to act in His name. It was a super awesome experience. We also are going to be visiting the family of the child who passed away, they were so sweet and the dad wants us to come soon. Also as we left, we found the elders in the street and were telling them of our experience, and someone from the cementary contacted us!!! We are now teaching her and her daughter and they are awesome!!! I will let you know how that goes.
Thursday- We had our Noche Navidena, which was perfect. Us four missionaries dressed up as angels, and we had a wonderful program of songs, and videos. Elder Layton, Emmelcamp and I sang “O Holy Night” in English too! The coolest part of the whole evening was the fact that we planned for 60-70 people TOPS, and more than 120 came!!! Also, Papa Noel came and I helped give all of the children dulces. It was such a fun night and everyone is still talking about how well it went!
Friday—no pasa nada. ;)
Saturday- MULTI-ZONE CHRISTMAS CONFERENCE. Obviously one of the best things about being in a mission is multi-zone conferences. The things we learn, the people we see, its all so great. And when it’s the Christmas one, we get presents and food too :) I got to be with my best friend Hna Durfee all day, playing every type of sport with the Elders. It was really fun. There was a lot of things I wanted to write, but I seem to have forgotten and I have literally been waiting 45 minutes for this internet to work and it still doesn't. So IF this sends, it's going to be a little bit random and without much point, but hey, I can't always be perfect ;)
Honestly, I am SO excited to see my family in a few days and talk to you all. Just be warned I am probably going to lose it. Don’t make fun of me. Also. I love this time of year. It's been SO fun sharing the REAL Christmas story with everyone and helping others be more serviceable. Being able to see peoples lives changed and be blessed by this gospel and to see the hope that Jesus Christs birth brings to everyone is AMAZING. I love it and all of you!!
Have a super merry Christmas. Eat all of the good things I love, take pictures, give everyone you see a hug and remember why we have this perfect holiday.
See you soon then, 
Hermana Whitlock

12-15-14 In the end, only kindness matters...

Okay sooooo. Sorry if I am short!! I was doing some other things outside of email and didn't notice I only have 10 minutes left! Perdoneme :)

Actually, I don't have much to say anyway, so it's okay!! Just that this week I have reaffirmed my testimony of the reality of our Savior Jesus Christ. Of His perfect life He led. There is a little Christmas video we have been sharing with lots of people of president Thomas S. Monson talking, and it asks us what we are going to give to Christ this Christmas. Well. I am going to give my very time, talents, wants, desires and wishes. I am going to sacrifice myself to His work and Glory so that I might be the means of bringing one soul unto repentance and unto HIM. I am so in LOVE with this time of year. We get to forget ourselves and serve and love others and feel the real, true love our Savior has for us!!! What a perfect time of year. :) Also to remember the inspired words of Jewel, "IN THE END, ONLY KINDNESS MATTERS." So. 


Also, speaking of Thomas S. Monson, I realized  again just how logical and important and obvious it is to have a prophet hoy en dia. I have an unwavering testimony of this. There is a talk from last conference called JOSEPH SMITH that I invite EVERYONE to read. It's perfect. ALSO! The light and truth talk by Uchdtorf. I LOVE CONFERENCE! I still am studying it everyday haha. 

I feel like when people don't believe in a modern prophet, or cannot accept the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith, they are virtually doubting the Bible and God Himself. It is so CLEAR that God loves us. He did in times of old, and he does now. He says multiple times that he is "the same yesterday, today and forever" and IF this is true, IF he is not a God of lies, then it is so obvious that today, with more wickedness, perversion, confusion and doubt, there is need for a prophet to lead and guide God's children safely back home to Him. 
And, I tesify that there is. Joseph Smith, in reality saw God the father and His son Jesus Christ, translated the Book of Mormon, which is ANOTHER testament of Jesus Christ, and because of this, we have the fullness of the everlasting gospel restored to this earth. We have the answers to so many people's questions and doubts and confusions! We have a prophet TODAY who speaks directly to God and lets us know what we need to do to inherit eternal life with God. HOW COOL IS THAT!? If anyone in the whole wide world wants to know this, please, follow the invitation in the introduction to the Book of Mormon. This truth is in reach of EVERY child of God. 

Well. I am out of time. I LOVE JESUS CHRIST, I love prophets of old and our beloved prophet Thomas S. Monson. I love Christmas and everything that comes with it!!

What are YOU going to give our Savior this CHRISTmas??

With all my love, 
Hermana Whitlock

12-8-14 I walk between the stars.... I know that's my beautiful dreams.

(I hope mom or abbie get my title...) 
So Monday I cut my hair. The good news is it's super healthy, bad news... there's not much left of it. haha. But I hope it grows before I come home.

We changed rooms. Now our room you can actually turn in circles without hitting the walls! Only, we shower with COLD water, and also when it rains, water enters everywhere so that's an adventure. ...Really I love our new house though :)

We are teaching a sweet little family named Beatriz, Eva and Efrain. Please keep them in your prayers. They are so wonderful but they have a very humble situation which makes a lot of things hard--- but we aren't giving up on them! :)

We are also teaching Angela, the daughter of my perfect recent convert Janeth! We had tried teaching Angela about 4 months ago, and she didn't want anything to do with us, but she is now doing AWESOME! She has accepted a date, and attends church every week with her mom. :) 

Also we have found and are teaching some super wonderful new people with LOTS of potential. I hope that we are able to help them make covenants with God- I will let you all know about progress of more people as they well, start to progress. haha

Villa Rica is perfect. My comp and I call it "La Ciudad de la gente bonita" because everyone is SO nice and loving to us. We get free food, honey, fruits, hair conditioner, perfume, earrings, lotion, bug spray, free moto rides, etc. God is so good to us here :)

Christmas is coming all!!! This place actually puts up trees and lights! It's wonderful, I remember last year in Huanuco, it didn't feel a thing like Christmas. Here it does! But don't worry, its still 80 degrees hahaha.

And now for the not so great, actually really sad news...

"Our understanding of the Atonement is hardly a shield against sorrow. Rather, it is a rich source of strength to deal productively with the disappointments and heartbreaks that form the deliberate fabric of mortal life. The Gospel was given to HEAL our pain, NOT to prevent it."

This quote has been my saving grace this week. I don't want to explain too much into details but...  Erica and Armand will not be getting married or baptized. At least not for now, and not with me. Honestly, I am not OKAY. It's one of the harder things I have gone through on the mission and I am heartbroken. It's hard for me to understand why this had to happen NOW, and why I can't be there for their baptism, and why they have made this decision. But I want to be clear on something. I KNOW God knows why this had to happen. And I have full and complete trust in Him. Our lesson when we found out was one (if not the) most powerful lesson I have had on my mission. The spirit was working through us and I literally felt like Christ was in the room testifying with us. We had scriptures and testimony and explanations perfectly in harmony with each other and with what God wanted us to say. ( I have a terrible time remembering exactly where scriptures are) but I did not have a single problem. We left tarea con ella to read that went right along with what we had taught, and when we came again, she said she believed it all. Unfortunately, that's not enough RIGHT now for them. But I am SURE someday they WILL be baptized. 

This small experience is helping me understand Gods will and timing for EVERY little thing. We have to learn to trust in HIM and not on our own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Also to really let the atonement into my life and heal me of any pains or weakness or sadness I have or am passing through. Christ's sacrifice for us was not only for our sins. It was for any pain or sadness or depression or hurt you or I have or will EVER feel or pass through. Even though it's so sad, We will keep working. We will keep helping others along the path to Jesus Christ and we will do it happily and with full faith!!! 

If any of you return missionaries have any advice or stories on this topic, I would LOVE to hear them (Brooke, aunt Kim, brothers, etc)

I love you all. I hope you all are learning to also trust in God and His timing and learning to do His will. Because He will make of us something WAY better than we could EVER make of ourselves. Of this I testify with ALL of my little heart.

Hermana Whitlock